La Jetée
{The Jetty}
An Opera in Four Acts
An airport observation deck
{The Past}
When I was a boy…
…before the war,
on the jetty…
…a woman’s face,
the frozen sun.
When I was a boy…
…clear-skied on a Sunday,
a sudden roar.
Her face crumbled,
a man fell.
An underground
refugee camp
{The Present}
The city crumbled,
blood soaked the rubble.
They ground us down,
forced us underground.
Rage and fire,
…they declared
they had won.
Two scientists prepare
an experiment.
{The Present}
Millions dead…
…poisoned air,
rats and dust…
…and yet
they think they won!
The only way…
Space cannot save us…
…summon the Past…
…a loop-hole in time…
…send a man back–
–who remembers.
It can be undone.
Summon the Past.
A sudden roar,
her face crumbled…
…a man fell.
The Experimenters
observe the Man.
{The Present}
His memories are clear
as sun through window glass.
His mind survives
the passage to the Past!
Others come back mad
or not at all.
He is someone
who remembers.
He’s the one, at last,
to undo the city’s fall!
The Experimenters watch
the Man dream.
{The Present}
Pre-war images appear.
Your dreams. We’ve been watching your dreams…
…your memories so pure.
None are purer than yours.
His pre-war memories pull the Man back to the Past.
Picture that day.
The woman’s face…
…as the man falls…
Remember it now.
…the scream of planes…
Picture that day…
…the sun…
…as the man falls.
The Man’s connection
to the Past is unstable.
He hears voices
from the Past.
The Camp
{The Present}
The Man’s connection with the Past grows stronger.
Can you hear me?
Are you alive?
Let me look into your eyes.
The untainted world.
I saw it… through the haze!
She was there,
her careless face…
…innocent of future days.
The subject is fine.
He hasn’t gone mad!
That world–
My heart–
I cannot bear to see it.
The naïve world.
They cannot know…
…it will be torn apart.
The Camp
{The Present}
The Man falls
into a restless sleep.
{The Present}
His dreams are full of
pictures of the Past.
Images ooze
like confessions.
The silence of peacetime.
Real sun on his face.
Real birds, real graves,
real children.
The Woman remembers
her encounter with the Man.
{The Past}
Who can he be?
He looks at me
as though into a mystery…
…an impersonation
of a memory.
He’s a stranger,
but strangely…
…I recall him
running to me…
…like a dream that’s running through me.
She bears
the mark of history…
…never shattered
by the mark of calamity.
Come to me.
The Camp
{The Present}
What happened?
I recalled him.
Send him back!
It’s going to kill him!
No, he’s strong!
She recognized him.
We need more!
This is torture!
He can endure it.
Send me back!
Send me back to that
rich and dateless world.
Her voice,
the voice of peace.
Her face,
the face of happiness.
You’re wrong: the memories make me strong.
Remember her face!
Remember her voice!
Return to
a place of happiness.
…imagine a day…
…the woman’s face…
…a walk in the sun.
…autumn leaves fall.
The Man rejoins
the Woman in the Past.
Images appear
and merge…
…of peace, real children…
…real birds, real graves!
Fabulous materials,
velvet and glass!
A woman’s dress.
My ghost,
where have you come from?
An unreachable country,
a long way from here.
A truth too fantastic
to believe.
This necklace of
cold gleaming metal?
of great,
bloody battles.
A truth too fantastic
to believe.
What’s wrong? Something passed through you.
Echoes from
an improbable future.
Fainter now…
…like some
remembered dream!
I can’t hold on.
Promise to remember me.
The Camp
{The Present}
The connection is broken!
He’s weak and exhausted.
The woman distracts him.
She’s his sole motivation.
– A means to an end…
– The promise of love…
…no more, no less!
…in an unruined world.
The Woman is alone.
{The Past}
Is he real or am I mad?
And why do I feel…
…like an animal seen through mirrored glass…
…adored and in danger?
I feel for, and fear,
my vanishing stranger.
The Camp
{The Present}
Quickly, he’s stirring!
Send him back once more.
He’s nearly in focus.
Time is wind.
We are not its masters,
we’re its slaves.
It broke us.
Shouldn’t we
heed its command?
We have no choice–
Time is wind.
The Future awaits.
He thinks that love is real and protects us.
There is no love…
…only fate.
Inject him!
The Man and the Woman
meet again.
{The Past}
I had a dream,
or perhaps a memory…
You ran to me,
then a noise, a calamity.
Follow me…
…put your dreams
behind you!
To the museum,
where Time can’t find you.
They enter a museum of ‘ageless animals’.
{The Past}
The museum is not
the refuge they think it is.
Here, Time can’t find us.
We’re frozen…
…like these
ageless animals…
…in a place
that’s almost real.
Where the only thing real…
…is you.
The couple are watched
by the Experimenters.
{The Present}
This is a catastrophe.
Bring him back!
In love we’ll find–
(The power of memory:
a miraculous singularity.)
In love we’ll find
shelter from Time.
History is nothing
but shadows.
The Future is nothing
but illusion.
The Camp
{The Present}
Asleep, the Man hears
the voices of the Past…
…as the Experimenters debate their next move.
We musn’t let him wake.
Send him to the Future!
How much more
can he take?
The time to act is now.
He’s never had such power!
The Experimenters send
the Man to the Future.
The Future:
The Terminus of Fate
Humans have become
like Gods.
{The Future}
Where have you
come from?
You don’t belong here!
Years ago,
humanity was doomed.
The earth was in ruins.
hiding underground…
…devised a solution…
…and sent me here,
to the terminus of fate…
…for our salvation.
Save yourselves,
honored descendants…
…by sharing
your knowledge!
Primitive one,
your logic amuses us.
Time is not a river’s flow,
with one destination.
Fate determined
our survival.
You are not our hero!
And who are you
to assume we are your children?
What if we
are your enemies
become gods?
Please, I beg of you.
If you refuse…
I’ll never see
my love again.
She lives in the Past,
before the war.
That’s where I’ll go when
I complete my mission.
Foolish one,
you fill us with pity.
Take this power.
Use it well.
But remember:
fate disdains desire.
No consequence obeys your mortal wish.
Fate is your master!
The Man returns
to the Present…
…bringing a gift
of great power.
The Camp.
{The Present}
Now, at last,
I see
they have no use for me.
What I know
will seal my fate.
My knowledge
condemns me.
My god, it’s here!
The power, at last!
We’ll crush them–
–destroy them!
Your work here is done.
The battle is won.
What I know
will seal my fate.
But you must understand…
…the power you’ve seen
must never be known.
We’re banishing you
to the Future.
Take pity on me
and send me back…
…to the jetty, the woman’s face, the frozen sun.
I choose the Past:
clear-skied Sunday,
sudden roar.
Her face crumples,
a man will fall.
no escape from the acts of men!
Every shadow
men cast is indelible.
Those who step into
the stream
can’t escape.
Soon they sink
beneath the surface.
The Man is shot dead.
{The Past}
This was my dream.
I should
have known.
my ghost.