world Premiere

La Jetée

Chicago Fringe Opera joins forces with Access Contemporary Music and Lux Cantorum for a full world-premiere concert performance of Seth Boustead and J. Robert Lennon’s chamber opera adaptation of the cult 1962 science fiction film La Jetée, later remade by Terry Gilliam as 12 Monkeys.


The Man
The Woman
First Experimenter
Second Experimenter


The Woman
The Man
Second Experimenter

Lux Cantorum Chicago

Wilbert O. Watkins
Allison Davidson
Brenda Kenyon
Erika Saltzman
Julie Hill
Marcella Richardson
Alice Dryden
Amanda Nelson
Beth Fioritto
Heidi Letzmann
Linda Thurston
Brandon Michaels
Dan Rogers
Glenn Klaassen
Jen Ostafinski
Chris Gernand
Dennis Lauritsen
Philip Kendall
Scott Enloe

Palomar Ensemble
Access Contemporary Music

Tim Hagen
Elizandro Garcia-Montoya
Bass Clarinet
Christie Miller
John Dorhauer
Paul von Hoff
Violin I
Henry Zheng
Violin II
Christine Chon
Traci Newhouse
Alyson Berger
Douglas Johnson
Percussion I
Cleo Goldberg
Percussion II
Rebecca McDaniel
Amy Wurtz

Artistic Team


On the film: La Jetée

A brief summary.

Chris Marker’s landmark film La Jetée still exerts the same power over its viewer today as it did in 1962.  It is the story of a man haunted by an image from his childhood.  On a peaceful Sunday at the observation deck of a major airport the boy sees a man shot and killed while simultaneously hearing the roar of a plane and the scream of a woman.  A few years later most of the world is destroyed in a horrific war and the few survivors eke out a miserable existence in underground caverns. They are ruled by pseudo-scientists who seek to send someone back in time, ostensibly to avert the catastrophe, and are drawn especially to people with vivid pre-war memories.

The man, now a scarred war veteran, is sent back in time where he encounters the woman from his childhood. She calls him her ghost and wonders if she’s dreaming.  They fall in love and he chooses her over his mission but there are consequences.  Composed almost entirely of still black and white photos taken by Marker himself during post-war Europe under the shadow of the threat of nuclear holocaust, the film is simultaneously a vivid meditation on memory, dreams and time, a moving love story, and a stark metaphor of human existence as a time loop in which we are doomed to commit the same fatal mistakes over and over again.

Thank You

Chicago Fringe Opera is immensely grateful for our donors who support our mission of presenting innovative vocal works with an emphasis in the new and contemporary styles, engaging with the Chicago community through intimate and immersive performance experiences, and fostering and empowering local artists.


Year to date as of: October 31, 2024

Jennifer Alkema

Isabella Andries


John Bierbusse

Dana Brown

John Cederquist

Darwin Corrin

Robert P. Delonis

Marguerite Dixen

Kathy Dunn

Kent Dymak & Theodore Foss

Fidelity Charitable

Maria Fletcher

Paul Freehling

Sarah Geocaris

Maria Lagios

Myron Levine

Joan Mazzanelli

Ashley McKinstry

Patricia McMillen

Carla & William O’Shaughnessy

Robert Daniel Reid

Jeffrey Roth

Elizabeth Rudolph

Laura Smalley

Tracey Smalley

Julie Stauffer

Carol Stukey

Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP

Joshua Taylor

Mark & Joan Walker

Isabella Weber

Jonathan Wilson

Dean Yannias

Jonathan Zeng


Company & Board


Matthew Godfrey
Board Member
Sarah Geocaris
Board Member
Giovanna Jacques
Board Member
Joshua Taylor

Company Members

Executive Director
Catherine O'Shaughnessy
Producing Artistic Director
George Cederquist
Casting Coordinator
Dana Campbell
Social Media Manager
Daina Fischer
PR & Audience Relations Director
Giovanna Jacques
Artistic Producer
Khary Laurent
Marketing, Brand & Web Director
Jenny Schuler
Vocal Arts Associate
Bridget Skaggs
Community Engagement Coordinator
Jonathan Zeng